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Beliefs and limitations

Foto del escritor: bespcoachingbespcoaching

Many times we have wanted to achieve something, we have set ourselves goals and we have tried different actions and we did not achieve it. What is the reason for this?

We always look for answers outside, such as: "I didn't do what I should," "I was late," "I met with the wrong person," "I didn't have enough monetary resources" and so we found a thousand and one reasons not to have achieved that goal, however, the answer is always inside you. It may be that sometimes the problem is out but if you try it several times and you don't succeed, the problem may be in you.

How can it be in you? Well, very easy, we are beings that are forming with what we absorb from around us and we are cradling beliefs within us that can be empowering or not, and when they are not, they lead us to incur limitations.

Our subconscious keeps as a file all those beliefs that live in you and that if you touch the right button they are unconsciously activated and affect your behavior, feelings and decision-making. To the extent that I analyze your objectives well and why and why you really want it, maybe you will be able to find questions that will uncover beliefs that can limit you and that is when you should evaluate that belief and what is it for and how you can change it and what would happen if you would think differently!

Review your beliefs and get to know yourself a little more and free that creator without limitations that you are.

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